The 7 Things God Hates


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you may have heard about the things that God hates. This is a crucial matter in our journey of faith, and understanding what it means can help us draw closer to God and live according to His principles.

In this article, we will explore together the meaning behind the “7 Things God Hates,” unraveling the mysteries of the Bible in a simple and accessible way.

Why It’s Important to Understand “The 7 Things God Hates”:

Before delving into the 7 things God hates, it’s essential to understand why this topic is so relevant to us as Christians. God loves us unconditionally, but He also has standards for our behavior.

Knowing what saddens our Lord helps us shape our lives according to His will, promoting a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Furthermore, understanding these principles empowers us to live a life that glorifies God and positively impacts the world around us.

Exploring the 7 Things God Hates:

Now that we’ve established the importance of this topic, let’s dive into the seven things God hates, as revealed to us in the Holy Bible. Each of these things not only reveals the holy and just nature of God but also offers valuable insights into how we should live our daily lives as followers of Christ.

These seven things that God cannot stand are written in the book of Proverbs 6:16-19. It’s crucial that, as faithful students of God’s Word, we turn to the Scriptures to fully understand these teachings. The Bible is our source of wisdom and guidance, and it is there that we find the truth that transforms our lives.

As we examine each of these seven things that God abhors, we will delve into their meaning and understand how we can apply these principles in our lives. Understanding these teachings not only makes us better Christians but also empowers us to be shining lights in a world that so desperately needs the love and truth of Christ.

So, let’s dedicate ourselves to this journey of learning and spiritual growth, confident that God will guide us every step of the way.

1st. Pride: The Root of All Disobedience

What is Pride?

Pride is a subtle trap that makes us place our own ego above everything, including above God. It’s when we see ourselves as better than others, relying solely on our own abilities and achievements, instead of humbly acknowledging our total dependence on God and His grace.

How Does Pride Manifest?

Pride can manifest in various ways in our daily lives. For example, when we refuse to admit our mistakes and prefer to maintain a facade of perfection; when we look down on those whom we consider inferior to us, whether in social status, abilities, or accomplishments; or even when we refuse to ask for help because we think we can handle everything on our own.

Pride distances us from the humility that God values and prevents us from recognizing our deep need for His guidance and forgiveness.

2nd. Lie: Contrary to God’s Nature

The Nature of Lies:

A lie is like a shadow that obscures the light of truth. It is a distortion of what is right and just, a denial of God’s very essence, which is the source of all truth. When we choose to lie, we are moving away from the divine nature and violating the holiness that He teaches us to seek.

The Impact of Lies:

Lies are not just empty words; they have the power to erode the foundations of trust and integrity. When we lie, we not only harm others but also compromise our own personal integrity and our relationship with God.

Each lie is like a small crack that forms in our hearts, weakening our connection with the source of truth. Furthermore, lies create an atmosphere of distrust and division, undermining the basis of healthy relationships and causing hurt and confusion where there should be love and clarity.

3rd. Hands that Shed Innocent Blood:

Value of Life:

God is the author of life and considers it sacred in every aspect. When our hands are stained by the shedding of blood, whether through acts of physical violence or through negligence in protecting and preserving the lives of others, we are violating one of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith. Every life is a gift from God, and our duty is to care for and protect this precious gift.

Promoting Peace:

By recognizing and valuing life as God does, we contribute to the building of a more peaceful and just world. This means not only avoiding the shedding of blood but also actively working for reconciliation and restoration.

We should seek peace not only in our words but also in our actions, acting with compassion, justice, and love in all our interactions. When we strive to protect and preserve the lives of others, we are reflecting God’s love and building a world more aligned with His plans and purposes.

4th. Heart that Devises Wicked Schemes:

The Essence of Wicked Schemes:

A heart that devises wicked schemes is rooted in evil and lacks love for others. It delights in the idea of causing harm and suffering to others, seeking only to satisfy its own selfish desires, without caring about the impact it may have on those around it.

This kind of heart is far from the light of goodness and compassion, immersed in the darkness of selfishness and cruelty.

The Importance of Integrity:

God deeply values the integrity of the heart, recognizing it as the center of our motivations and decisions. Cultivating a pure and righteous heart enables us to act with love and compassion, reflecting God’s character in our lives and relationships with others.

When we sincerely seek the integrity of the heart, we are guided by truth and love, and our actions reflect the goodness and justice of God.

5th. Feet that Hurry to Do Wrong:

Understanding the Hurry to Do Wrong:

Feet that hurry to do wrong represent a deliberate disposition to engage in harmful and destructive actions. This means that, instead of pondering the consequences of our actions, we are eager to find opportunities to cause harm to others.

It’s as if we are running toward evil, without consideration for the impact of our choices on ourselves and those around us.

Choices and Responsibilities:

God has granted us the gift of free will, the ability to make conscious choices. We are responsible not only for our actions but also for the intentions behind them. When we choose to follow a path of evil and injustice, we are directly challenging God’s will and facing the inevitable consequences of our actions.

Each choice we make shapes the course of our lives and influences the world around us. Therefore, it’s crucial that we are mindful of our decisions and the impact they have on ourselves and others.

6th. False Witness Who Pours Out Lies:

The Importance of Witness:

A false witness who spreads lies is a threat to the integrity of the judicial system and the pursuit of truth and justice. When we distort facts or bear false witness against others, we undermine the foundations of trust and fairness. This can happen for various reasons, whether out of self-interest, revenge, or malice. These actions not only harm those who are unfairly accused but also compromise the integrity of the entire legal process.

Promoting Truth:

God is the God of truth and justice, and as His followers, we are called to reflect these values in all areas of our lives. We must be witnesses to the truth, promoting integrity and justice in our interactions with others. This means speaking the truth in all circumstances, even when it is difficult or inconvenient.

It also means acting with honesty and transparency in our relationships and commitments, always seeking truth and

justice, even when it means facing challenges or opposition. By doing so, we honor God and contribute to building a fairer and more compassionate world.

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7th. One Who Sows Discord Among Brothers:

Value of Unity:

Discord among brothers is a wound in the heart of God, who values unity and brotherly love among His children. When we sow discord, we are going against the fundamental principles of the Kingdom of God. This includes not only creating obvious divisions but also spreading gossip, promoting rivalries, and undermining mutual trust within the Christian community.

Cultivating Unity:

As members of the body of Christ, we are called to actively promote unity and peace among brothers. Instead of fueling conflicts, we should seek reconciliation and restoration of wounded relationships. This requires humility, forgiveness, and a genuine commitment to brotherly love.

We must be willing to resolve our differences peacefully and work together to strengthen the bonds of fellowship in the family of God. When we strive to live in unity, we are witnessing to the world the transformative love of Christ and fulfilling His prayer that we may be one, just as He and the Father are one.


I hope this guide on the 7 things God hates has been enlightening and inspiring for you. Knowing about these principles is just the first step; the real challenge lies in applying them in your daily life. By understanding these fundamental concepts, you are equipped to make decisions that honor God and reflect His love in everything you do.

Remember that living in accordance with God’s will is not an easy task, but it is incredibly rewarding. As you commit to seeking holiness and living according to the principles laid out in the Word of God, you become a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around you.

May you carry these teachings with you and allow them to guide your actions and choices. May your life be a testimony to the love and grace of God, and may you be a shining light in a world that often seems dark. Stay steadfast in faith, always seeking to grow closer to God and live a life that honors Him in all that you do.

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